Korean Language School
Dear Colleague,
Greetings from Handong Global University, Republic of Korea!
We are pleased to announce our new program, Handong Korean Language School [HanKL]
This is a new, unique opportunity where students can learn Korean in a small group setting where they will be able to interact and live together with Korean and international students from 60 countries, all at a very affordable price.
We earnestly ask for your cooperation in the widespread promotion of this special program to your students.
For more detailed information, please refer to the poster provided below.
Just like you and your colleagues and everyone else working in internationalization at universities worldwide, we are trying to deal in the best way possible with this crisis. Hoping that after this, we can feel even more connected!
Let’s overcome this well together!
Best Regards, (감사합니다)
Mrs. Suyeon Kwon
Exchange Program Manager (Inbound, Partnership, Promotion)
Office of International Affairs
Handong Global University
TEL +82-54-260-1765 | EMAIL exchange@handong.edu (suyeon@handong.edu)
SNS www.instagram.com/handongglobaluniversity
Address 412 All Nations Hall, Handong Global University, 558 Handong-ro, Pohang-si, Gyeongbuk, Rep. of KOREA (Zip: 37554)